An interesting start to my school year.


  I absolutely cannot believe how my school year started. I had decided to do college on a whim because my parents were fully supporting my decision. I wanted to make this decision because I felt like I needed more going on in my life and I just simply had to much free time. Although my free time was spent working a majority of it, I still felt like something was missing.

    I was really excited for school to start so I could meet a bunch of new people and have fun memories. That was apparently a delusional thought for me. I tried out for the Esports team here and made the varsity team. I was pretty excited about that until the absolute worst happened. One day I was casually walking around on a tour with the team a day before school started. All day I had felt an extreme heat. I was wearing a hoodie, a shirt underneath the hoodie, and pants. I figured that was the reason and I continued about my day.

    I went into school the first day and luckily I only had one class. I walked into class and the room was almost silent, we sat and waited for the professor to walk in and introduce himself and everyone to the class. All class long I was sniffling but trying to hide it because what are the odds I have COVID. I don't want people thinking I have COVID even if I don't have it. I suppressed my sniffles throughout the class and afterward headed home. It was the next morning when things really started to ramp up.

    I woke up after my first day of school feeling absolutely dreadful. My sleep was terrible because I had constantly been moving around in my sleep and not actually having good peaceful sleep. I felt extremely hot no matter how much clothing I had on and my head was pulsating horribly. I finally got the courage to get up and to my surprise I had a 103 degree fever. Yikes. This feeling of guilt and anger filled my body because I knew I was just starting school and I didn't want to miss this early on. I told my mom about everything and she knew before I did. 

    That same day we drove to the drive in clinic to get me tested for COVID. I was sitting there absolutely drenched with sweat and my mom was perfectly fine in the driver's seat. We waiting in the hot beating sun for about 10 minutes until the doctor came out to the car and had me swabbed. We waited another 5 minutes and she came out with the test results. Positive. To keep an extremely long story short. I lost my smell and taste within the week and didn't get it back for another 3. Along with that, I missed 2 weeks of school and got really behind with everything. That was the interesting start to my school year.
