Preparations for a Haunted House


    Preparing for the haunted house is a very interesting task. Due to our circumstances we aren't able to alter the location at all so we have to spend a pretty penny buying wood to build it. Yes, we build the haunted house inside the location so that we can make it scary and add things to every room. It's something I've been doing for a total of 7 years including this year. Some of the best times are made in a haunted house when you are scaring the screams out of everyone that goes through.

    In preparation I also have to order all of my stuff for the year I will need. I order contacts of different colors and I order a new face. The face is a latex prosthetic mask that I paint and wear over my face by applying pros-aid to my skin and sticking it on. Aside from everything I need to do, we also have to build the entire haunted house within the confines of a really old historical jail. In the picture shown above that is called the "Grid room" more or less the central part of the jail. This year we are building a fence tunnel type structure. After we finish the build of it the structure stand alone would be knocked over so we have to build T braces onto different parts of the jail.

    All in all, the preparation for the haunted house is well worth it. Every year I look forward to October because it's so much fun. This is worth all the time and effort that gets put in for the people's enjoyment and the actors.
