Vaccines are mandatory in Canada?


    Today I was talking to a group of people and someone brought up the topic of vaccinations. Everyone put in their piece whether or not people were vaccinated or what they thought about it. Until one person stepped forward and said something that I had never expected to hear. She said, "Vaccines are actually mandatory in Canada. You aren't allowed to go into establishments unless you have your Vaccine Passport." This was crazy to hear, you weren't allowed to go shopping, eat at a restaurant, or even go to the movie theater unless you were vaccinated.

    Honestly the vaccine isn't a big deal to me but a lot of controversy has grown about it. Both sides are either arguing that you should get it or that you shouldn't. Freedom to decide whether or not you wanted to get one felt like a citizen's right. Canada had other plans... It was news to me to hear about Canada releasing news that the vaccine was mandatory. It might as well even be news to you.
